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How we Leverage AI to Protect our Clients Email

AI, or artificial intelligence, is one of the most powerful and transformative technologies of our time. It has the potential to revolutionize every aspect of our lives, from how we communicate, work, learn, and play. But what exactly is AI, and how can it help small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) thrive in the competitive and dynamic market?

AI is the ability of machines or software to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, decision making, and problem solving. AI can be divided into two categories: narrow AI and general AI. Narrow AI is the type of AI that we encounter in our daily lives, such as voice assistants, facial recognition, and self-driving cars. Narrow AI is designed to perform specific tasks within a limited domain. General AI, on the other hand, is the type of AI that can perform any task that a human can do, across any domain. General AI is still a hypothetical concept, and many experts believe that it is far from being achieved.

AI can help SMBs with their business in many ways, such as enhancing customer service, personalizing marketing campaigns, improving sales forecasting, streamlining operations, and ensuring data security and fraud prevention.

In this article, we will explore specifically how we leverage AI within IT PROTECT to help protect our clients inboxes from malicious threats. 

Key components to safe guarding company inboxes

IT PROTECT offers an email security solution that uses AI to automatically sort and filter incoming emails to the company environment. It can distinguish between safe and suspicious emails by using a smart and patented algorithm that learns from each company’s communication patterns and adapts its criteria accordingly. This way, it can provide customized protection for each company in the present and future.

There are three key advantages that our email security solution provides businesses to help protect all their company inboxes:

  1. It prevents malicious emails from reaching the end-user by detecting and isolating them before they can cause any harm.
  2. IT PROTECT SHIELD warns the end-user of any potential threats in an email by displaying an interactive banner at the top. The user can then quarantine or mark the email as safe with one click.
  3. It allows the end-user to report any suspicious or unwanted emails to IT for further investigation. This can reduce the risk of falling victim to phishing or other attacks.


BONUS: 10 Facts About AI & Cybersecurity

  • Security automation and AI can save businesses more than 80% of the cost of manual security. 
  • 42% of companies in an IBM survey cited AI and security automation as a major factor in their success at improving their cybersecurity posture. 
  • Almost one-quarter of companies in the IBM/Ponemon Cyber Resilient Organizations Survey cited adopting solutions that used AI and machine learning as crucial to improving their cyber resilience.   
  • AI-powered and automated email security is over 40% more effective at spotting and stopping malicious messages than tools like a SEG or native security.    
  • 76% of IT executives in a cybersecurity survey said that automation and AI maximized the efficiency of security staff.   
  • AI and security automation enabled organizations to respond to breaches nearly 30% faster than companies without security automation. 
  • Companies investing in automation have a four-fold advantage in stopping a targeted cyberattack. 
  • 41% of companies employ AI security tools like automated email security. 
  • Security automation is the number one way to reduce a company’s attack surface. 
  • 46% of IT professionals believe that AI and automation is the key to alleviating the IT skills shortage. 


How IT PROTECT leverages AI to protect company email

Cybercriminals target businesses with malicious emails that try to trick employees into clicking on harmful links or attachments. These phishing emails are responsible for 95% of the attacks on business networks.

But when a phishing email reaches a business that uses IT PROTECT, its AI-powered email security solution steps up to the plate. IT PROTECT has a four-fold advantage over other security solutions in stopping targeted cyberattacks. It uses its patented algorithm to evaluate the email based on more than 50 criteria. According to a 2021 survey, 75% of IT managers reported that their companies had been successfully phished in the last year. IT PROTECT’s AI can catch and stop more than 99% of sophisticated phishing emails.

IT PROTECT also provides two tools to help employees avoid falling victim to phishing. It alerts them to unexpected emails with a noticeable, interactive banner at the top of the email. It also enables them to report suspicious emails with one click, removing the email from everyone’s inbox within the company for IT to review. How cool is that?

If AI detects an anomaly, it immediately quarantines the email. AI-powered and automated email security is up to 40% more effective than conventional security solutions, such as SEGs, in spotting and stopping malicious emails.

The advanced algorithm, based on graph theory, analyzes the company’s relationships and traffic patterns to determine the legitimacy of incoming emails. Microsoft 365’s built-in security and the five leading SEGs miss up to 65% of targeted spear phishing emails.

AI learns from each encounter and adapts its protection to meet the unique needs of each business. About 70% of the most cyber-resilient organizations have deployed AI-driven, automated security.

The company’s email security improves automatically, saving time and resources for employees and IT teams. About 42% of companies in an IBM survey cited AI and security automation as major factors in their success at improving their cybersecurity posture.

IT PROTECT’s AI-driven, automated API-based email security solution is the clear choice to help you neutralize email threats unseen by your current defenses while reducing IT’s burden and cybersecurity risk.


If you're ready to get serious about protecting your company email and safeguarding your company from cyber threats, reach out to us to have a chat. 


Cloud Matrix IT™ is a managed IT and technology consulting firm who specializes in providing proactive IT solutions to small and medium-sized businesses. We designed IT PROTECT specifically for the SMB. IT PROTECT is a comprehensive suite of solutions & processes that help your business save time, reduce costs, provide your staff IT support, and help you stay protected with our fully managed 24/7/365 SOC PLUS cybersecurity platform. Yes, even weekends and holidays.