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You've got questions, we've got answers. IT PROTECT provides multiple and convenient ways to contact us for support. Your staff will enjoy working with us.

Helpdesk-Cloud Matrix IT

Powered by

support solutions

A modern help desk platform that solves IT issues instead of applying temporary band-aids.

Our methods and processes will have your IT environment running smoothly, but IT happens. The IT PROTECT platform enables businesses and their employees to just get work done without having to navigate around IT issues. Our technicians are trained to look at the larger picture. We aim to prevent the issue from happening in the first place.

We provide your staff with a convenient way to submit support requests directly within their own support portal within 2 clicks. Our U.S. based team will promptly reach out to provide a solution. 

Just a few sample area that IT PROTECT can help with:

  • Software
  • Connectivity
  • User accounts
  • Education
  • Dedicated Ticketing Portal
  • Hardware
  • Microsoft 365/Google
  • Training Portal
proactive support

Our partnership with you is a win-win relationship. Both our companies benefit from a predictable and smooth IT environment. 

The proactive nature of the IT PROTECT platform combined with our methodologies and best practices configures your technology to run smoothly and solve most IT issues before they occur. 

Included in your monthly predicable fee, our support platform allow your employees to submit requests quickly, provide everything needed to solve the issue, and for us to respond with fast solutions so they can get back to being productive.