Cloud Matrix IT Blog

Hometown School District hit by Ransomware

Written by Richard | Jun 29, 2023 11:00:00 AM

In an increasingly digitized world, cyber threats have become a harsh reality for organizations across various sectors. One such recent incident sent shockwaves through the education system in West Virginia when Berkeley County Schools fell victim to a cyberattack. This incident highlights the pressing need for organizations, particularly small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), to prioritize cybersecurity to safeguard their data, operations, their reputation, and the data on their users or clients.

In February 2023, Berkeley County Schools (my hometown and school district where I attended K-12) experienced a crippling cyber incident. The district's computer network was infiltrated by ransomware, a type of malicious software that encrypts files and demands a ransom for their release. The cybercriminals exploited vulnerabilities in the school's systems, effectively shutting down critical operations.

The fallout from the attack was significant. Students and staff were unable to access essential learning materials and administrative systems, causing disruptions to daily activities. Additionally, an estimated 80 GB of confidential and private user data were released online. The incident sparked concerns about the safety and privacy of sensitive student data, leaving parents, educators, and community members worried and frustrated.

Believe it or not, this incident was completely avoidable. With the right processes, configurations, and best practices in place, this security breach could have been averted or extremely reduced in scope. The ripple effect here went well beyond unauthorized access and downloaded files. The threat actors had access for an undisclosed amount of time. Time to look around to see the digital landscape and plan lots of moves. Students couldn't go to school or use services they were used to using. Obviously, this causes issues with parents work schedules because their kids were home. The ripple effect, consequences and costs is likely still not fully know. 

The incident serves as a stark reminder for organizations, irrespective of their size or industry, to bolster their cybersecurity defenses. Here are some high-level cybersecurity statistics that shed light on the rising threat landscape, particularly concerning ransomware attacks targeting SMBs:

  1. Ransomware on the Rise: Ransomware attacks have witnessed a sharp increase in recent years, with a 150% surge reported in 2021 alone. (Source: Cybersecurity Ventures)

  2. SMBs in the Crosshairs: Small and medium-sized businesses are increasingly becoming prime targets for cybercriminals due to their relatively weaker cybersecurity infrastructure. It is estimated that 43% of all cyberattacks are aimed at SMBs. (Source: Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report)

  3. Financial Impact: The average cost of a ransomware attack on an SMB is estimated to be around $1.85 million, considering factors such as ransom payments, downtime, recovery efforts, and reputational damage. (Source: Datto)

  4. Human Error: Employee negligence or unintentional actions account for approximately 95% of all security incidents. Ensuring adequate training and implementing robust cybersecurity protocols can significantly reduce these risks. (Source: IBM Security)

  5. Long-lasting Repercussions: Beyond financial losses, organizations that suffer cyber incidents often face prolonged reputational damage, customer trust erosion, regulatory penalties, and legal consequences.

30 eye-opening cybersecurity stats about SMBs you should
know about. Click the image above for more.


To protect your business from the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape, you must prioritize cybersecurity preparedness. Here are some essential steps that Cloud Matrix IT takes to apply industry best practices and hardening procedures to help protect them from cyber threats:

  1. Conduct Risk Assessments: Identify potential vulnerabilities in your organization's systems, networks, and data. Regularly assess and update your risk profile to stay ahead of emerging threats.

  2. Employee Education and Awareness: Invest in comprehensive cybersecurity training programs to educate employees about common threats, best practices for password management, email phishing awareness, and safe online behavior.

  3. Implement Multilayered Security Measures: Employ a combination of robust firewalls, up-to-date antivirus software, intrusion detection systems, and regular software updates to create multiple lines of defense against cyber threats.

  4. Regular Data Backups: Maintain frequent backups of critical data and ensure they are stored securely, offline, and off-site. This practice ensures that in the event of a ransomware attack, data can be restored without paying the ransom.

  5. Incident Response and Recovery Planning: Develop a comprehensive incident response plan outlining steps to take in the event of a cyber incident. Regularly test and update the plan to align with evolving threats.

  6. Collaborate with Cybersecurity Experts: Engage cybersecurity professionals to conduct regular audits, vulnerability assessments, and penetration testing to identify weaknesses and strengthen your organization's security posture.

The cyber incident at Berkeley County Schools serves as a powerful wake-up call for organizations worldwide to prioritize cybersecurity. SMBs, in particular, face an increasingly high risk of ransomware attacks due to their vulnerabilities and lack of resources to help them. By implementing robust cybersecurity measures, organizations can safeguard their operations, protect sensitive data, and ensure business continuity. Remember, investing in cybersecurity is not a luxury; it is an essential investment in the long-term sustainability and resilience of your organization in the face of a rapidly evolving digital landscape.


Give us a call or set up a chat to discuss how you can protect your organization on all fronts.